Monday, January 29, 2007

What would you need to prepare for a Fast?

Fasting. What is it? What is it's purpose?
It is is the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food and/or drink, for a period of time. But as a child, my mother always taught me that fasting can stretch from the physical to the mental. Things that cloud your mind such as television and music... as she would say. People fast for many different reasons. Mostly it is done to cleans the body physically and mentally of impurities.

How would you go about
preparing for a fast?
It depends on the person. First you should prepare mentally. If you know your not strong willed enough to resist what your fasting from, get rid of it or put it out of sight so it won't be as tempting. Usually spiritual guidance is sought during a fast. Meditation and mind cleansing are the main foci's in a fast.

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