ARG!..Me + Flash = this----------->
I enjoy this type of work, but,well I would like to say that Action-Script is a whore. It reminds me of html coding except more complicated. Trying to figure out where the script is valid, and where it is not, making sure that the code is perfect so that it works correctly, and labeling, have made this first assignment harder than I thought. It literally took me hours to figure out how to change scenes. I feel that there was too much information placed at one time, or maybe I'm just slow. I understand how the functions work, but I just feel as if I still have a small void to this whole code idea. I know that I can do it. Just that i don't have enough time to make it appealing and create the correct functions that i want.
PERFECTION...is what Flash Demands. I feel like if I don't go in a certain order then my mission won't be accomplished. Or maybe I should eliminate all other elements and work on them one at a time. I feel that if I just had a reference to look up exactly what I wanted the element to do and place the code where needed.
I'm seriously buying a book!
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